Saturday, May 21, 2011

Blame Blogger

I haven't posted in forever because some reason Blogger isn't letting me post. I have about two other posts that I've written but Blogger won't let me publish.
Anyway, not a lot is going on. I'm going to be a Senior in August... Dang! I'm old! And during that senior year I will have recognized my blogs fourth birthday! Congratulations About Me!
Yeah, so there's that and there's also me re-writing my 94,819 191 page novel, O.W.E.N. I got tired of how immature my characters sounded so I'm going to rewrite it. I also hope to shave about 11 pages and 15,000 words to make it more readable. I hope I can do it. I've written the first chapter and I'm halfway through the second and third. I'm still going to do the thirty chapters thing... the only bad thing about re writing is that I'm basically starting from scratch. I have most of the same plot lines and character names but I'm taking out people and adding them... It will be like a eerie coincidence if you compared the two. Also since I'm changing so much of the first book I'll probably have to rewrite my second book. I plan on finishing it just for fun and when I finish both series I want to read them and see how much they differ. I might let (make) someone read the two series and tell me which one is better... who knows? I might surprise myself.
Anyway that's it
oh, I can't draw at all but I have an account at deviantART with the same name. I might put snippets of my Old O.W.E.N. on there... ?? But as of now I have only one lonely poem there, you can check it out if you'd like.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hello, Sup, Hola, Bon Jour, uh... Google Translate stopped working

Hello, my dear neglected Blog, it's me again. The only one who ever types stuff on here... As of now I'm typing to you, listening to Bless The Fall, texting, and trying to figure out if I want to be a hermit for the rest of my life.
What I should be doing is finishing a huge English report I have to do... ick. Technically I could do it Monday morning because I don't have to be in school till about 11 o'clock. But the guilt would eat me alive... like so many times before... stupid conscious.
Hmm, I hate my iPod... it's a load of junk... I guess it's a love hate thing. I'll love it cause it plays my music and I hate it if it dies on me while I don't have the money to buy a new one.
I feel like I'm in a poetic mood... I'm not going to write a poem though! No TEMPTATION! That made no sense...
So there you have it... I'm bored and having nothing good to say, but I'm writing this. You're bored and have nothing better to do so you're reading this. I guess there is a mutual relationship between a writer and their readers.
-I have problems

Friday, February 25, 2011

Addicted to happiness

I really think I'm addicted to happiness (and I'm typing this as I'm listening to Heavy Metal...'-_-) I mean it, I can't stand to be sad or depressed or sometimes even angry. I can't stop being happy because I think when I'm not occupied. For me thinking is bad because my mind always travels in the wrong direction(that's part of a lyric from Bullet For My Valentine... but it wasn't intended.)
I guess since I hate thinking I need to do something like be random and smile and be happy. When I'm happy I don't think about bad things....
This sounded so much better in my mind... now when I'm writing it my words seem incoherent...
I'm just going to stop now... If anyone can actually find out that someone could be addicted to happiness you should tell me... it would be interesting to look at.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Okay, as some of you may or mostly may not know I've been wanting to get my permit... And I haven't because someone *COUGH COUGH WHEEZE CHOKE RECOVER*(My aunt) is paranoid... like to the point of anxiety attacks every time I leave the house... Okay anyway today I walked into the DMV sat down shaking... waited... signed something...(Yup, sure that was important somehow... ha, just kidding. I knew what it was.) took my test and got a... wait for it... wait for my drum roll... *dun dun dun dun... otherdrumsoudsdun* 80%!!! Oh yeah, I am amazing !!!! Well, not really but my cousin had to take it four times before he passed sooo yeah...
Okay, usually this and my friends are my social point A and point B. (Two points don't make a circle or triangle... so I used a line!) And well, the past week or so I've been texting this guy... yeah, yeah, I heard you gasp... and well we've been talking about the whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing... yeah, yeah, another gasp... Anyway it's official!!! Today was the first whole day of official-ness. So yeah... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... and that was nervous/giddy laughter of a seventeen year old teenage girl...
Oh and it snowed today!!!!! Yup, snow, snow, snow... I was kind of looking forward to a snow ball fight but I had to go and take my test then eat sushi then come home and all the snow melted by my house... =( okay, well I'm done rambling so you guys can do important stuff that actually matters!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Update, Interview, Birthday, and Spring Break News!

Anyway, I needed to put a long title because I've been neglecting this poor blog. Soy yeah, that's the update part.
The interview part I need your help on. I have to do a research project on Writing as a Career (Does anyone get the irony of an aspiring author dreading to to a written report on writing?) Anyway I need 5 sources, 2 must be from books, 2 can be from the internet, and the other one can be from books or an interview. I want to be a Freelance Writter. Basically they're what I am now just without getting paid or submitting stuff. They take part time jobs or work at a company where they write what the company tells them to write but they also write whatever they want on the side. So if anyone knows a Freelance Writter that would be so kind as to answer some interview qestions I'll think up and answer them on my blog it would be very much appreciated. Keep in mind some teachers (English, Creative Writting, ect.) might be Freelance Writters too! I plan to ask my teacher but I would like to have a back up plan.
Okay on to the next thing: My Birthday!I'm going to be turning 17 this coming Wednesday! It's not really all that big of a deal to me but in another way it is... Either way my party (Yes, I'm a nerd, doofus, dork, whatever you wish to call me) is going to be awesome 'cause It's going to be a fiesta! And my friends are coming over! I think even K is spending the night. Yup, okay, now that's another point, now onto my last one:
SPRING BREAK! I'm especially excited for my spring break even though it's in April. I'm going down to Arizona from the 16th to the 21st! I heard that my CDO friends have the 19th - 27th off, so we're a bit off schedule but I think we can make it work. Also if you are reading this blog right now and you'd like my number talk to Cheyenne! She has it and we've kept in touch. Of course you can get it if she gets over that nasty cold she has. (Fight the bacteria! Knock 'em out!)
Yup, that's it. Sorry if this post is lame but hey, it's my blog, I can make it as lame as I want it to be! (And of course when I try to make it cool that usually doesn't work because you kind of have to be cool to emit your coolness through a blog=) Yes, I am well aware I made fun of myself... and yes... I do it frequently... though not always on purpose.)
AuthorOfTomorrow216 or Pebbles or LittleFuzzBallOffFun!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Yep, The World Hates Me...

Sorry I haven't blogged lately... I've just been really lazy and not sure what I should write about. I read some of my older post and that's what has given me my inspiration...
Alright so on to the meaning of the post title:
I hate math with a fiery passion... I mean what's the point of it anyways?! I'm counting on by the time I have to do my bills and balance my check book we'll have robots to do it for us! (Or you know, really high-tech calculators) Anyway the point being is that math is completely a waste of time and effort that most teenagers don't care to give. Now on to the world must hate me part:
I'm in Algebra 2 now, (shocker huh?) and that class I'm passing with a C average... I think that one math class should be enough for the sixteen year old aspiring author with that despises said subject, don't you? Well, my school thinks differently... yep, count 'em 2 math classes. TWO FREAKING CLASSES OF THE SUBJECT THAT I WISH WOULD GO JUMP OFF A BRIDGE WITHOUT A PARACHUTE OR BREATHING UNDERWATER ABILITIES! So now I have Algebra 2 and Geometry! There's really a long story that goes behind this to explain how I'm not a bad student but school kind of screwed me over in some parts...
Anyway this really sucks because just as I was liking my Animal Science class they go "Oh, hey Pebbles actually likes that class... you know what we should do? We should take her out of it and give her another math class!!! (evil laugh)" So yeah, on the upside my running to classes on Friday schedule is easier. I have English 3 (Main building) Geometry (Math building) and Algebra 2 (Math building)...
Okay, well I'm done ranting so I'm going to go and look at my schedule glaring at it until it changes (Which it won't but it'll definitely make me feel better)
AuthorOfTomorrow216 or Pebblestmk