Thursday, January 28, 2010

Who Knew Health Was Depressing?

As the title says I obviously had health today. My teacher is cool. What we had to do today was not. We had to do this thing to see how long we would live. You start with 76 years. Now let me type my questions and answers. Caution: This WILL be long! This will be me and this will be Brett

Also since emotional problems are not even closely related to mental problems I am taking this survey based on how I was before my mom died. Brett basically stayed the same.

1. Longevity if grandparent(greatgrandparents): Have any of you grandparents livd to age 80 or beyond? If so, add one year for each grandparent living beyond that age. Add one-half year for each grandparent beyond the age of 70.

+2 +2

2. Females tend to live longer than males by an average of 3 years so females add 3 years, males put a zero.

+3 + 0

3. Cardiovascular disease of closest relatives: Have any parent, grandparent, sisters or brothers died of a heart attack, stroke, or arteriosceriosis before the age of 60, subtract 2 years for each incident.

-2 - 2

4. Other hereditable diseases of close relatives: Have any parents, grandparents, sisters, or brothers been diagnosed with diabetes or peptic ulcers? Subtract one year for each incidence. If any of these close relatives died before 80 of stomach cancer, subtract 2 years. Women whose close female relatives have died before 60 of breast cancer should also subtract two years.

? (teach said idk counts as zero) +0 +0

5. Blood Pressure: Most people who know they have high blood pressure do something about it. If you know your blood pressure high or low add 1 year.

+0 +0 (We have no idea! We're not doctors!)

6. Mother's age at your birth: Was your mother over the age of 35 or under the age of 18 when you were born? If so, subtract 1 year.

+0 + 0

7 . Birth order: Are you the first born in your family? If so, add 1 year.

+1 + 0

8.Weight: Are you currently overweight? If you are not over overweight but you have been overweight at any point in your life, subtract 2 years. If your weight is within an appropriate range, add 2 years.

+2 +2

9. Dietary habits: Do you eat very little food with saturated fats (red meat, fried foods, meats, snack foods, etc.)? That is, fewer than two meals per week? If so, add two years. If you eat heavily of foods with high saturated fats, four or more meals per week, subtract 2 years.

+2 +2

10. Smoking: How much do you smoke? If you smoke 2 or more packs of cigarettes/ marijuana a day, subtract 8 years. If you smoke between 1 and 2 packs a day, subtract 4 years. If you smoke less than a pack a day, subtract two years... If you have quit smoking congratulations, add 1 year if it was more than two years ago. If you have never smoked add 2 years.

+2 + 2

1o .5. Second hand smoke: if someone that lives in your house smokes cigarettes, cigars, or any other drug add 3 years. If they smoke outside add 2 years. (My grandpa smokes in his house when we're there but we don't live with him so I'm taking away 2)

-2 - 2

11. Drinking: Teens who drink put themselves at risk for death. If you drink three to four drinks three or more times a week per week, subtract 3 years. If you have five or more drinks on any day in a week, subtract 6 years. (We were learning about hereditary diseases. Everyone in my Family drinks. I think the five kids(me, Brett, Jess, Teryn, and Chesnee have alcoholism. Which means that if we drink alcohol its easier for us to get addicted to it. I don't want to drink anyway because of how mom died but Brett and especially Teryn talk about drinking a lot! I hope to God[ if he is even there] that they are the black sheep and don't have it so I don't have to worry so much about them!)

+0 + 0

12. Exercise: How much do you exercise? If you exercise at least three times a week, for at least 15 minutes each time, at one of the following jogging, bike ridding, swimming, taking long brisk walks, dancing or skating, add 3 years. Just exercising on the weekend does not count. If you lead a sedentary life, subtract 3 years.

+3 +3

13. If you generally fall asleep right away and get 6 to 8 hours of sleep per night, you're average and should neither add nor subtract years. However, if you sleep excessively (ten or more hours per night) or if you sleep very little (five or less hours per night), you probably have problems. Subtract 2 years.

+0 +0

14 . Regular physical examinations: Do you have an annual physical examination by your physician. If so, add 2 years. (HAHAHAHA we don't even have health insurance anymore!)

+0 +0

15. Health status: Are you in poor health? Do you have a chronic health condition, (asthma, bronchitis, heart murmer,etc.) or are you frequently ill? If so, subtract 5 years. (my poor baby bro has asthma...)

+0 -5

16. Drugs(other than alcohol): If you have never used drugs add 1 year, if you have, subtract 2 years.

+1 +1

17. Rural vs. urban dwelling: If you live in an urban area and have lived in or near the city for most of your life, subrtact 1 year. If you have spent most of your life in a rural area, add 1 year.

- 1 -1

18 . Life changes: Are you always changing your things in your life, Changing schools, Changing home ,Changing friends, Changing your appearance? If so, subtract 2 years. Too much change is stressful. (My teacher said that family problems don't count because emotional and mental are comepletely different)

+0( after moms death -2 for both of us) +0

19. Friendship: Do you generally like people and have at least two close friends in whom you can confide almost all the details of your life? If so, add 1 year. (Brett says he doesn't have any close friends but he is definitely a people person!)

+1 +1

20.Agressive personality: Do you always feel that you are under time pressure? Are you agressive and sometimes hostile, paying little attention to the feelings of others? Subtract 2 to 5 yearsdepending on how well you fit this description. The more pressured, aggresive, and hostile you are, the greater your risk of heart disease.

-2(after moms death -5) +0

21 . Flexible personality: Are you a calm, reasonable, relaxed person? Are you easygoing and adaptable, taking life pretty much as it comes? Depending upon the degree to which you fit this description, add 1 to 3 years. If you are rigid, dogmatic and set in your ways, subtract 2 years.

+2(after moms death -2) +3

22. Risk taking personality: If you have had a traffic ticket or accident in the past year subtract 4 years. Other violations subtract 1. If you always wear your seatbelt, add 1.

+1 +1

23. Depressive personality: Have you ever been depressed, tense, worried, or guilty for more than a period or a year or two? If so, subtract 1 to 3 years depending upon how seriously you are affected by these feelings.

+o(after moms death -3 for both of us) +0

24.Happy personality: Are you basically happy and content, and have you had a lot of fun in life? If so, add 2 years. People with feelings like this are the ones who live to be 100

+2(I was happy and I am happy when I am with my friends) +2

This gives me a total of 93 and Brett a total of 85
My worst fear is Brett dying before I do...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Phase One

Phase One: Complete
Date: February 5th 9:30(Yay I get to miss a class!!)
Uhh: Well that's just about it tomorrow I have my two new classes! Oh and there is a poetry out loud thing I want to do! so I'll see about that its on my b-day Feb 16th and at 6 o'clock... speaking of which I need to talk to my aunt about it! bye

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I have no Idea what to call this post

Urg, maybe I'm being a little too paranoid about my Master Plan... I was thinking about it last night and I mean I guess the idea is cool but I have a lot of things that could go face-plant-into-a-pile-of-super-sharp-rocks bad. Since I haven't done this in a while I shall make a list.
  1. There is always the possibility that my counselor will say 'no' or just not agree with my Master Plan
  2. Off topic but it needs a name like 'Master Plan Get Cookies'
  3. I was thinking that I would need to tell my story first and when I'm done what if no one steps up... That would kinda be embarrassing
  4. What if I set up a date and no one comes...
  5. I want to set my group meeting thing for everyone in every possible bad situation. This would include people who have the same problems as me(death, witnessing death, abuse, dealing with loved one in hospital, alcoholism, uh if I can think of more I probably have dealt with it) But it would also include divorce or separation(I have never personally dealt with this but I've been around it a lot in the past two years so I know that it is by far not easy)

So many things could go terribly wrong but despite that I'm still going to try to help people like me anyway. I guess tomorrow(If I can talk to my counselor) is the real moment of truth.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Yesterdays Lunch Time Extravaganza And My Master Plan!

Yes, I am actually pulling through and telling you about yesterdays Lunch Time Extravaganza! So as you all know and all will know I am a shorter than average person. My exact height seems to be something most people would like to know. Jessi and Kate would like to know. It all started out in Mr. Lattins room, with a completely innocent talk about how to make dynamite. Jessi wanted to know how tall I really was. Being me I protect my shortness due to reasons that are too... CIA induced... yes... to talk about here. So what do two insane teenagers due when their short little friend peacefully tries to turn their efforts futile? Why they tackle me to the floor and try to measure me with a yard and meter stick... All in all I was being poked with a meter stick by Griff and was being pinned to the floor... Have you ever truly used the expression 'saved by the bell'? Well they would have found out my secret if it had not been for the bell! With three teenaged girls tackling you to the floor armed with measuring sticks I was seriously running out of adrenaline and being a midget natural sugar high! If the bell had been any later they would know my height! I would tell them if I knew myself but I don't... and according to me and my pride all the measuring sticks and tape are wrong!!
Now to my second order of business: MY MASTER PLAN
Usually my friends would be worried because I would try to infuse a plan with something explosive that would cause bodily harm or end us up in Juvi... But this plan is nothing of the sort! Believe it or not its for a good cause! While I was in Arizona I went to this place that was basically group counseling with my peers! Anyway my counselor said that at this point the only way I can get to a point where I can live a normal teenage life is if I help myself. I feel that the only way to help myself is by helping others. Basically I've been (and am going) through it all, death, having a loved one on their death bed, verbal, mental, and physical abuse to myself and my loved ones, having someone literally hate your guts more than you thought could ever be possible, living with drunks, cutting yourself, running away, well and any other horrible thing you could ever think of. Anyway my plan is to ask my counselor if I can set up sort of a club where kids my age can grieve and not be embarrased about it. I know that I CANNOT be the only orphan at my school! I know I CANNOT be the only one who has lived with what I had to live through. So that's my plan.
Phase One: Talk To Counselor
Date: Hopefully Monday
Level Of Success: Hopefully High
-Author Of Tomorrow

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

title later

hey guys, sorry jessi get to the lunch time extravaganza later. Today a couple minuets after my bus dropped me off at 'home' i found out how pissed a 15 year old girl can get! I am soo pissed its sort of unreal. Okay get this, my little brother is 12 he is the sweetest little kid ever! I mean this kid doesn't even want to hurt flies for pete's sake! Yes he sweet and open hearted he is also a 12 yr old boy and he does make pervish jokes every now and then (personaaly i dont thin he knows what half of them mean) But back to the point I've nown him for his whole life, my aunt however has only truly known him for less than a year. She found that somehow Brett was looing up PORN! MY LITTLE BROTHERS FAVORITE WORD TO SAY THAT ANNOYS ME MAY BE MASTERBATE BUT I SWEAR THAT BOY THINKS GIRLS ARE STILL GROSS! HE HASNT CHANGED MUCH FROM A SEMESTER AGO! AND MY AUNT IS ACCUSING HIM OF THIS! MAYBE SHE FORGETS THAT SHE HAS A SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD SON AS WELL! BRETT WOULDNT EVEN KNOW WHAT THE HELL PORN WAS IF IT WASNT FOR TERYN! thats one reason why i am majorly pissed off, another is since i stood up for my boy i am now in trouble! Can you believe that! my aunts exact words "next time you ask me to go to the movies or to kates or her come over here i'm going to say no" okay that was partially because of me standing up for my boy the other part is soo stupid that im laughing as im writting this. It's because I lost glue!!! i didn't even lose it! i never used it i just misplaced it! let me do a typed version of the coversation below.
Your Dear Pissed Off Blogger:
I Don't Even Know What To Call Her:
You need to find that bag of supplies, I gave it to you so maybe when we needed it we could use it.
Sorry I don't know where it is. Was there something special in the bag that you really needed?
No! Do you reallize that supplies cost money?
Yes. Do you want me to pay you back?
I can't even what became of that after that my anger is literally fogging my brain and memory even though this happened a few minutes ago! Then she started saying that my i need an attitude adjustjment! We got in a fight a couple days ago all about my attitude! Why can't you open up? Why can't you at least pretend to care if i died tomorrow? I'm mad at my aunt for drinking uncountable amounts of beer and going out and then coming home drunk and yelling at us! she just wont get that i sincerly care about how much she drinks! Does she not remember how my mother died? She died of alchohol poisining! I am NOT GOING TO SEE ANITHER FAMILY MEMBER IN A HOSPITAL WITH THEIR EYES AND SKIN YELLOWED! NOT BEING ABLE TO BREATH ON THEIR OWN! WITH BLOOD LEAKING OUT OF ALL OF THEIR PORES! BLOOD COVERED IN POSION! The very next day she went out and came home drunk again. I seriously wonder what the hell is going through her beer filled mind!!! Well i got a lot off my chest and i'm going to write about my lunch time later when i can actually see it clearly with out it being tinted in red anger.
-someone help us

Saturday, January 16, 2010


wow i was just looking through al my old posts and i'm thinking 'holy crap was i depressed!' I'm not saying that i am anywhere near getting over what has happened but it makes me feel better to see how much the gap has closed... also i think that it isnt a good idea to take posts off my blog just because a friend says that its scary... so starting this im go8ing to repost a post that i took off because what i talked about really scared my friend.... well im done now

Friday, January 15, 2010

My Masterpiece Is Complete!

As you can tell your overly insane blogger is well acting insane! Anyway I must announce that my Music Video is done! It worked out so perfectly that if I could scream for joy I would. ANYWAY I hope that you people can see but I'm not sure about putting it on here cuz well I am in the video. So is my little cousin and my Aunt would personally kill me if her seven year old daughter had a cyber stalker. Well yeah that's all that is happening I have to study for finals... grr but the good thing is that I have a three day weekend to look forward to! Woo now no one may question me if I sleep fourteen hours like every other teenager on the face of the earth! Well I'm gonna go now I have stories to write and all!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Slushie Ice Puddles Of Doom!!!

Well as the title states your young blogger has indeed met with the Slushie Ice Puddles Of Doom! And in a result of that I am sick... Of course I do blame myself... I did jump in it... although it doesn't help if your friend is encouraging it... oh well getting wet from the waist down isn't so bad it was actually fun. The fact that i made a puddle in my Spanish classroom... eh it could have gone better...
As if the same person who I won't mention *cough cough Griff cough* sorry my lungs were reacting. Anyway as if that same person didn't have enough fun watching me almost land face first into a slushie puddle he thought it would be hilarious if he would try to encourage me to try and pull the fire alarm... NOT THAT I DID!!!
Well what i did was get really close to it until Jessi and Kate yelled at me. And I tried to mispronounce PULL FIRE ALARM.
Somehow I came up with: if I pull the fire alarm a pool will come down and I have to swim in it with one arm... very weird and entertaining lunch...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Music Video

wow.... just wow... i have to do a music video for my video production and i choose the songGrow Up by Simple Plan yay so all i needed was a bunch of my friends and i taped in our natural habbits which causes pain for us cause we end up hitting each other or harming ourselves... which is why my nose is sore... i hit myself with a brush trying to lipsink... yes laugh... and we caught it on video... yes laugh more... anyway that's whats been happening. and im bored lol so bye

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Note to self: Do NOT play Rockband until 4: 30 in the morning.... oh and when the TV starts going blurry that's another clue that you need sleep
I need to listen to my conscience more often otherwise I'm a walking, talking, typing, and grouchy zombie of a fifteen year old...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

happy new year

as the title says happy new year yeah yeah i know im a day late but oh well.. oh grr school starts again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 aggggggggggggh im soo not ready but besides that yay snow!
author of tomorow