Friday, April 3, 2009


im for my emotional outbreak yesterday its so hard to keep every thing inside.... but onthe briteside my dog got groomed today!!! sorry...but today was also confusing.. this guy that i kinda liked but i dont think he was very interested in me and he kinda streaked down the hallway i happened to be in..... any way he talked to me this morning at the end of english:

he asked me "you know that kid that sits in the hall with you?"

"yah.. jordin."

"yah do you know why he ran away from me is he scared of me?"

"uh no he never brought it up and i never asked."

"oh... i heard he can draw pretty good."

"uh yah he could draw better than me by alot i mean if i could draw like him i would be too focused on drawing than caring about my grades."

"oh... he looks cool now huh?"

"yah he looks really cool i like it!!! a lot!! he looks have skater half scene i really like it"

"oh" then he completely stopped talking to me grr so i think i completely just blew it with him




Jessica said...

I know right

Justin Zirnheld said...

We may be a confusing bunch but trust me you guys are too. And i don't think you blew it with him, we guys tend to forget things fast and as along as you don't bring up the subject things will be fine. But again im not an expert.

Anonymous said...

Guys are confusing but i think I know why "he" is so confusing. You mentioned Jordan being cool with his skater/scene kid look. Personaly I thought the look he has is AwEsOmE. Anyway back to my point. You mentioned another guy. This might not be with most guys but some guys get jealous if a girl talks about a guy being cool but not saying anything about them. I think he(not jordan) might like you.

AuthorOfTomorrow216 said...

thanks fluffy, jess and aliceinnightmareland makes me feel better lol

Frostwolf002 said...

yea we are confusing...but seriouslly girls need modd rings lol that why us guys know what you girls are thinking lol ttyl pebbs ^_^