hey guys i just am feeling kind adepressed i realy miss my mom and dad and still hate deryk oh and read my story i posted any way im posting a picture of my mom cause i ike lokking at her cause it makes me happy when shes happy u pple wont really know how i feel unless u lost someone that close to you i can name a few who do feel that way and i wont name them .... alright heres my mom
hey sorry i've been off for such a long time but it seems u've been blogging it up. i like the new skin... also sorry for your losses, but keep ur chin up my dad tells me things have to get worse before they get better... and i am by no means optimistic but i just have this feeling that that sayin is true... so yeah i should have an update on my blog tonight so expect that.
hey i feel you you know i do. i know you miss your mom...but you have good freinds lookign out for you...that know what you are going thru it is hard to give up soemthign you love...but you have to i mean don't give it up my dad died feb 17th 0f 2005 and i will never forget him bu you have to fill your missing spot in your body and fill your void....keep your mom's memory strong but don't dred on her not being here...when the peopel we love die they dont want us feelign pain or hurt they want us to live their memory strong and rember the happy times....yes it is ok to cry...i cry when i think of my dad it helps...i know what you are goign thru but ty you know your mom lvoed you very much and she doesnt want you to feel sad or depressed she is in a wonderful place....iv eherd in ehaven a second lasts for days...so when ever we get to go to heaven your mom will eb their and for her it will only seem liek minutes since youve been gone...it hard to understand but true...*hugs you* don't feel depressed if you ever need to talk im here...you know that
live free stay strong
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