Thursday, February 4, 2010

Aww he does Care! I hope...

Before I get into my story I must explain to you my phone: It randomaly powers down usually when I need it most or when someone needs to tell me something important.
Okay story time:I was in my spanish classroom studying for an oral presentation(mine was so awesome, I did the difference between Ozzy Osboune's Crazy Train and Bullet For My Valentine's version. The assignment was to tell the diference between something new and old.) Anyway little did I know(actually I didn't know at al until afterward) Teryn, my beloved cousin was trying to get a hold of me. He tried and tried and tried this proved futile until I was on th bus ans found that my phone was experiencing it's problems. I turned it back on and said 'hey why do I have five missed calls and a voicemail?' I listened to the voicemail it was something like this 'ANSWER YOUR PHONE!' Teryn yelled in an enraged voice. Uh-Oh.
Just then my phone vibrtated Teryn:The Super Loser (lol my brother gave him the name and I've been too lazy to think of a new one... not that that doesn't fit..) 'Hello'
'Where are you!'
'On the bus'
'What! didn't you get my calls! I've been calling you since lunch!'
'Uh...' Yeah... apparently I was suppposed to walk to my Grandma's... Oops... I go by the old fashoined memo type thing.
Yeah so apparently from the 'Where the hell are you!' was a sign of love! lol.. well at least I hope so because I accidently got him grounded for the weekend...
Apparently(wow I say apparently a lot in this post) my aunt didn't know that we were going to go there. Yah and I accidently ratted him out by saying that he was going to go pick me up at the bus exchange place.Oops....
Anyway this is all that has happend lately besides I'm sure I broke a guiness world record...(how do you spell that?) Let me explain my diet for the past three days. lunch: pizza dinner: pizza
lunch:pizza dinner: pizza breakfast: pizza lunch:pizza and dinner:pizza! (My aunt and uncle got out a lot this week so this was basically all we had to eat cause we basically ran out of food again...)(i'll explain our food/water/money situation some other time but I'm in a good mood so I won't bring it up now)

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