Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I’m not trying to be all drama-queenish, I wasn’t raised that way; but what other way is there to tell my story? Before I start don’t be my pity party, I will not put up with that, because no matter how hard you try you will never change the past, never. I guess all I can do is walk towards the future, but how am I going to do that?

I’m fifteen years old, my name is Morgan. I have a twin sister named Destiny; And this is our story only from my point of view.

When my sister and I were about two years old, our dad Kevin died of a heart attack at 29. It wasn’t a huge impact on us, we were babies. Sometimes we cried because we wanted to know what it was like to have a dad, or call someone “dad”. Our mom Lisa, on the other hand was mortified. She loved Kevin more than I could ever imagine me, someday, loving my husband like that. On top of all that how could someone so loved and so very healthy just die? Of a natural occurrence, when there was so many other ways to die?

Because of this we lived a very sheltered life. Literally, we couldn’t go outside without our mom being right there. Most kids would despise their mom for doing this, but we loved her. When we were younger she would say, first one to make my bed can sleep in it. Destiny and I would run to our moms’ room and fight over the blankets, in the end though we would both get to sleep in the bed with her. We felt so safe in the bed, it felt like pure happiness. With this happiness we never realized that our mom was completely depressed, she was drowning herself is light white wine. We thought it was normal to drink four or five glasses of wine a night. It’s not. She never got over our dad.

For eleven years our mom had been drinking wine. She never got over our dad. Our mom loved us more than anything in the world. If we were sick she would stay home with us but if she was sick she would go to work and not really care about her, just us. When Destiny and I were fourteen and getting ready to graduate eighth grade something unexpected happened. Our mom got really sick. She had to go to a hospital. We stayed at a friends house, she drove our mom to the hospital. The last words we spoke were the simple “I love you.” And she made a promise: she would come back the very next morning.

We waited, waited, and waited until two o’clock in the morning for that little red car to come home. When it did only our moms’ friend came out. She told us that the doctors wanted to keep her overnight. We thought nothing of it we went to bed with hearts full of hope. We woke up happy that the night was over today was the day our mom said she was going to come home. She didn’t. She spent a month in the hospital. She never came out.
It seemed like everybody was crying for a while, only a little bit, then they stopped and tried to move over to more serious matters where were we going to live? At the end of June we moved into our cousins’ house in Nevada. Our moms’ sister graciously took us in. we didn’t have problems adjusting to school but home was a little different. We just barely got to really take in that we were now parentless. Our hero just died, we didn’t have enough time with her and we already moved to a new state. It was crazy, a catastrophe! The good part was that we had Nicole, our 6 year old cousin to love and play with. We also had Tyrone, our 17 year old cousin.

Destiny just loved Nicole. I loved hanging out with Tyrone, he was like my lifeline. Someone I could tell all my problems too. He wouldn’t interrupt he would just be there, that was all I needed. The best part was Destiny and I graduated middle school so we got to go to high school with Tyrone! Destiny had her own friends, so did I but I preferred to hang out with Tyrone and his friends, he didn’t mind, so I was really happy.

One day, though, I had a huge break down. Tyrone was watching us while his mom and Nicole’s dad went out. Destiny had fallen asleep with Nicole so it was just Tyrone and I. I just got so angry about what happened to my sister and I, I ran out of the house furious. Tyrone went right after me. When he caught me he yelled. His face red with anger. “What are you doing?!” he screamed. “What’s wrong? Please, Morgan, just tell me.” Now he pleaded.

I slumped down in his arms and started crying hysterically “I don’t know what wrong! I don’t!” I screamed I don’t know really why I made such a stupid decision. I’m usually not the stupid decision maker.

“I know you know what’s wrong, and we’re not going inside until you tell me what’s wrong.” He surprised me with his calm tone of voice. He set me down on the ground. And looked at me with the utmost concern in his eyes. I wanted to give him a good answer, something that was worthy of scaring him this bad. I couldn’t.

“I don’t know, I just don’t know.” That was all I could say. I could barely hear my own words but I knew he heard them. He stood up, wiping the sand off his pants. He offered me his hand. All I could do is just stare, motionless at nothing, silently weeping. He gathered me into his arms and said:

“It’s okay, Morgan, lets go inside.” He whispered into my ear. “I won’t tell anyone, okay. Just worry about going to bed, okay?” he walked inside, put me into my bed, and whispered “good night”. That night I knew I couldn’t live with out my lifeline, without Tyrone. I fell asleep thinking that I had finally found that guardian angel that I had asked god for so many times after my mom had passed.

The next morning I woke up happy, for a long time in a while. I walked into the kitchen and saw my aunt, Tyrone’s dad, and Tyrone all talking. “Hi guys.” I said sleepily. I looked at Tyrone more closely, his eyes were red and puffy. “what’s going on” I asked truly curious and worried.
Tyrone answered me. “Morgan, I’m moving with my dad to Sacramento with his family.” I was speechless.

“What! Why!” I yelled at all three of them. I didn’t give them time to answer I ran into my room, flopped onto my bed and cried. What is this! How can this happen! Don’t I already have enough wrong things in my life?! About ten minuets after I spoke with the three of them, my aunt came in. I could only ask one thing. “Is it for sure, is he moving for sure?” a sigh was my immediate answer. Then, came a vocal response.

“Yes, he is moving out in five days.” She said this calmly, but I knew she was just about as devastated as I was. She left after that, I cried until I cried my self asleep. I woke up at about 12’ o clock. Only to be hit by the pain of having another person soon to be ripped away from me. It only took me thirty minuets to get my self together.

The first thing I saw when I walked into the living room, were boxes, dozens of boxes. That image was stuck in my head for the next four days. The pile of boxes got bigger every time I tried to see some way out into the light of this situation. To me there was none. Tyrone didn’t speak to me during those four days; he just looked at me with blue eyes full of sorrow. I didn’t talk to him either. I didn’t know how to speak to him. What could I say that could really make a difference to anything?

I wanted to talk to him, just once, a simple hi or bye, before I couldn’t do that personally. Only on a phone; a phone, e-mail, text, how can that compare to an old-fashioned face to face conversation. That I knew I wouldn’t have for a very long time. I went to bed with a million thoughts running through my head: how am I going to live without a guardian angel? How long until I can see him again? Will he ever really want to see me again? What if he is super busy and can’t ever see me ever again? That last thought made tears stream down my face. Tomorrow he was leaving. Forever? Maybe forever or maybe god could somehow pull through for me; maybe, I mean miracles happen at the most desperate times. Don’t they? I fell asleep with a glimmer of hope left in my heart.

I woke up, that glimmer of hope quickly faded away when I heard Tyrone talking on the phone. “10, okay I’ll be ready by then, okay bye dad.” Ten… I looked at the clock it was 9:30. oh no!! I only had thirty minuets to say good bye! As I was heading towards Tyrone I was stopped by a voice that said.

“Okay guys; let’s help Tyrone move his stuff.” My uncle (Nicole’s dad) was the owner of the voice. Defeated I just helped move boxes of Tyrone’s stuff out side. By time the last box was taken outside, Tyrone’s dad was pulling up into the dirt driveway with a u-haul. This is it. That was all I could think as Tyrone’s dad got out of the car and walked toward us. He looked frustrated. I wonder why?

“I can’t believe it! Those people in Sacramento completely blew me off!” my other uncle yelled. “They offered me a job then, when I get all these arrangements figured out they say the position is filled!” Did this mean Tyrone was staying?

“Um dad I really don’t mean to burst your bubble, but does this mean that we’re staying?” Tyrone said happily, already knowing the answer.

“Yes. But you have to help me un-pack.” He said wearily. I jumped up at the miraculous thing I just heard. I ran over and hugged Tyrone, my heart filled with happiness I thought I was going to burst. After a minuet he hugged me back.

This is when I knew nothing was going to go wrong .My life couldn’t get any better. This was the best it could ever be, I was happy at this thought ands most importantly I was so sure of it. This was now the begging of a new life for me a new chapter in my book. With so many more to come.


Frostwolf002 said...

im glad that tyrone got to stay and u kept ur Guardiann angel..i knwo how u feel when u say u don't wan't any pitty im the same way but i do feel abd for you... i hate my life but i don't dred on it everyday my life jsut sucks i have coem to relize that and...quite honestly i don't care ...it was really good u should definitly publish that story as liek an autobiography or soemthing...if u ever need ne one to talk to just ask me. Me and u are pretty similar never knowing whre ur goign to end up people that we love leaving us or passing away...u seem liek a nice girl and i don't think you or your sister should be goign through this no one should...but hey nice job i don't want to go all depressing on you ^_^ ttyl? liek i said if u ever need to talk my email is gillbert5692@hotmail.com

AuthorOfTomorrow216 said...

um frost wolf i used fake names i have a little brother in stead and i do have a 6 and 17 yr old cousin but again fake names only my mom and dads name are the same and its not the whole story it was sorta fake my real story is alot worse sorry to say

Frostwolf002 said...

o...ok lol