Wednesday, February 25, 2009


just incase pple who are new to my blog that story was fake my name is not morgan i dont have a twin sister i have an 11 year old brother named brett ,a 17 yr old cousin named teryn, and a 6 yr old cousin named chesnee, also another cousin named jessica but she wasnt metioned in the story. my real story is: my mom and dad got married they loved each other immeansly (or how ever its spelled i dont feel like doing spell check lol) then the had me (i wont say my name out here on the internet) three months early i weighed in at a whopping 1 pound + 13 ounces! almost three years later they found out my mom was pregnant my dad, kevin wade kelly died of acute heart faliure at 29. my little brother was born but my mom never got over my dad 11 years after my dad died in may my mom had to go to the hospital she was in their a month exactly my brother was 10 i was 14 we watched our mom fade away it was horrible ill describe most of this some other time but eventually she did die my lil bro believed it before i did. then we thought our lives were turning around when we moved in with our grandma and her spouse it was worse instead of just losing our mom we also lost our friends and house but luckily got to keep our cat and dog (not the fish) then near the 2nd or 3rd month my grandmas spouse, deryk, would yell at brett evry so often till it got so bad he started choking and kicking him (brett has asthma) to this day i think its my fault i let it get this far... im the oldest he is my baby im supposed to protect him but i couldnt i did talk to my counsalor though she called the c.p.s. (child protection services) they talked with us twice .. we went on a trip to nevada to see our aunts and cousin and ect. family ( our aunt won a contest over the radio) we had endurred 7 months of deryks abuse he even pushed me a few times (physically) the worst thing that man did is when he yelled at brett and said "no wonder your mom died of stress its all your fault" if you keep telling a 10 yr old kid that again and again they r going to believe it sooner or later. finally we moved to nevada with our moms family it was our break. i broke a few times cut my self on my hip bone(only once i wont ever do it again i promise) and ran away the same night so i go to a therapest.. life was going pretty good until i wa reminded that i have a therapest... oh well that is really now my life story pretty summed up just in case you guys were wondering.....



Frostwolf002 said... all this time i thoguht diff stuff lol funny...

Frostwolf002 said...

nvm...not sorry to hear all tht...