Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Last Day Of Summer

Well, it's the last day of summer... Kind of bummed but then again I'm excited to start the school year. I'm going to make sure that I get a 4.0 G.P.A. this year because I really want to get into a good college.
Oh and yesterday the 16th of August was my Cousin Teryn's 18th birthday! Congrats! Tyrone! (inside joke that involved a stalker that moved to Pasadena)
Yup I just can't wait! Oh and I can finally see my schedule for Junior year this evening. Probably later this evening I'll either post my schedule in a new post or edit it into this post.
I'm just very excited.
I'm excited about the whole new year, upper classmen thing.
I'm excited about my new classes and my teachers.
I'm excited about the kids who'll be in my classes.
I'm very excited about my english class! Jessi and I have to have English together! We'll drive the teacher nuts!!!
Anyway that's it untill I get my schedule!
Author Of Tomorrow

1 comment:


A very emotive description of your life .. You sond like a strong person, who will overcome what life has dealt you .. I wish you and your brother well, and look forward to 'seeing' your progress ..

With best wishes, from 'A London Girl ...