Wednesday, August 25, 2010


So, not a whole lot has been going on other than it's halfway through the second week of school. I wonder If I left any important things out of last post... Well just to make sure let me go over the monumental stuff.
1. my math class was really hard to find... I sat in the wrong class for 1o minutes... Well part of that was because I'm blind.
2. My friend Jordan who moved away to Reno during Sophomore year just moved back and is here to stay! =)
3. I am horrible under peer pressure.... 1 example: a couple days ago Kate forgot her lunch so she begged Jordan to drive her to her house. Originally I didn't want to go, I thought they would be late. So they said 'oh come on! We're not going to be late!' <----- that's the pressure part...
then I said 'fine'
SO we got into the car... AFTER we walked four blocks (Jordan didn't know that he could park in the student parking lot for 5$ for the whole year.) Then Kate and Jordan were horrible at communicating so we went in two huge circles then had to go back to school because we were'nt going to make it.
So basically that's it. Yup my first week and a half as being a Junior.
OH!!! And we're going to do the Junior Lipsync!!!! We're going to do it to the song 1985 by Bowling For Soup. And the coolest part is, is that my aunt is a makeup artist so we're going to look awesome!
Oh! And I'm going to be dressed up as a guy and one of my guy friends is going to be the girl.(This is incredibly funny considering I'm very short and my guy friends are freakishly tall =) )


Justin Zirnheld said...

interesting lol, have fun and know that the people down here in arizona are still missing you and wondering when u going to viist CDO.....anyways have a fun school year

AuthorOfTomorrow216 said...

Haha lol thanks! I hope I can come visit you guys soon! I miss you all too!!! Woo go Juniors!!! 2012!!