- Video Production 2
- U.S. History
- Aerobics/Body sculpt
- Earth and Space Science
- English 3
- Animal/Vet. Science
- Algebra 2
Yup those are my classes. And here is my weekly schedule. (Very confusing!)
Monday: Periods 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7
Tuesday: same as Monday
Wednesday: same as Tuesday
Thursday: 1, 2, 3, and 4
Friday: 5, 6, and 7
So on Mon. Tues. and Wed. I have 45 minute classes and get out at 2:50 (start at 8:10) Thursdays I have 90 minute classes, start the same and end the same. Now Friday deserves a whole new paragraph.
So on Friday, I have 90 minute classes as well. I start at 8:10 and end somewhere near 12:30. That's not bad. Except for the five minute passing periods. 5th period I have in the Main Building, which is one one side of the campus. 6th period I have in the Science Building which is one the other side of campus. Then I have 7th in the Math Building which is by the Main Building. I have to run if I'm going to make it to class on time. Plus my 6th is really hard to find. In the Science building it goes S16, S17, S 18, Then you turn to a different hall and you get S20 through like 24. You see they decided to stick S19 (my 6th period class) near S22.... Does that even make sense? NO!!!!
Okay, I'm done with that. Now onto the other dilema of Friday. Okay, the High School gets out an hour earlier all the other schools. So all the students that have to take a bus (ME!) have to wait an hour til the buses come and pick us up after they've gotten everyone else so their not off schedule. At least I'm luck that I have my iPod. Needless to say I'm going to come to despise Fridays with a passion.
I'm done ranting and such so Adios and send your 'hurry to your class angels' to me every Friday. Starting tomorrow would be nice.
Author Of Tomorrow
1 comment:
Ik it is confusing!
Thank u for jumping in a trashcan for me :)
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