I just have to say this: My novel is done!! All thirty chapters!! I just have to edit it so all my changes make sense! but other than that it's done! mwhahaa and we (my budds) have figured things out
kate: artist
jessi: film director in training
me: author
i know we're putting our hopes up high because my book may not get published but if it does we figured what we're going to do
kate will draw the cover, jessi will film the movie, and I will write the scripts and the sequel! which I already have a name for
ohhh mysterious! i know lol well that;s been it besides a huge sleep over that took place last night we stayed up till four and frankly im too tired to write about it so you will have to wait another time goodnight!
Hell yea I am so the director. Im still tired from the sleep over. LMFAO
Hey I accedently came across your post. My name Is Kamie. I have two great kids. Just wanted to say hi. Im sorry you have had such a hard time. Me and my kids have also had a tuff life. If you need some one to chat with, This is my email address. acceptancemortgage@msn.com
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