Hi I'm just fourteen and so far my short life on earth has been my short life in hell. The reason why? Well my life story is very complicated but this could easibly be your life story too. I was born three months premature and weighing only one pound and thirteen ounces. My mom and dad nursed me back to health. Three years later my mom and dad were again expecting. But unfortunately on January 8th 1997 my dad passed away. Leaving my mom pregnant and with a three year old daughter. In august my brother was born. Life was good for us . But my brother and I never knew our mom was still suffering from losing her husband. when I was in eighth grade my mom was deathfully sick and had to go to the hospital. She went to the hospital the beginning of May saying everythig was fine. I did worry because all I wanted her to do was see me graduate eighth grade.
she died 16 days before I graduated.
My brother and I are now living with my grandma and her husband who isnt related to us. We live in a retirement community now still trying to heal our still bleedind, gaping, infected wounds.
The reason why I started this blog is because I want other people who have the same story as us to not feel alone. also I want to keep my parents' memory alive even when they aren't.
that was amazing. your not alone. more people are feeling the same way. [: i will keep coming back to hear what you have to say. -stay stronge.- may the heavens shine down on you tonight. ~kauri
i'm so sorry. that's terrible. keep up hope. your mom would be proud of keeping her alive in some way. (: belive in your self. also. you could give advice to other people. say "this is for sarah"
that would be amazing. how to deal with stressing positions. deaths, getting dumped, or how to get closser to your friend. top ten ways for having fun with friends. that would be so cool!
hey its teryn. keep your head up and everything will get better i promise. love u kid
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