Saturday, May 21, 2011

Blame Blogger

I haven't posted in forever because some reason Blogger isn't letting me post. I have about two other posts that I've written but Blogger won't let me publish.
Anyway, not a lot is going on. I'm going to be a Senior in August... Dang! I'm old! And during that senior year I will have recognized my blogs fourth birthday! Congratulations About Me!
Yeah, so there's that and there's also me re-writing my 94,819 191 page novel, O.W.E.N. I got tired of how immature my characters sounded so I'm going to rewrite it. I also hope to shave about 11 pages and 15,000 words to make it more readable. I hope I can do it. I've written the first chapter and I'm halfway through the second and third. I'm still going to do the thirty chapters thing... the only bad thing about re writing is that I'm basically starting from scratch. I have most of the same plot lines and character names but I'm taking out people and adding them... It will be like a eerie coincidence if you compared the two. Also since I'm changing so much of the first book I'll probably have to rewrite my second book. I plan on finishing it just for fun and when I finish both series I want to read them and see how much they differ. I might let (make) someone read the two series and tell me which one is better... who knows? I might surprise myself.
Anyway that's it
oh, I can't draw at all but I have an account at deviantART with the same name. I might put snippets of my Old O.W.E.N. on there... ?? But as of now I have only one lonely poem there, you can check it out if you'd like.


Unknown said...

Hm... I'm first! Anyway, I am writing a story/book as well. I am only fourteen years old, though. Publishing companies may not take me seriously, due to my age. It will be a series, and the first book is called 'The Dylerian Connection'.

Amycarry said...

the is not only beautiful and practical issues, more important is the quality, if you buy a poor quality or no-name, and really brings a lot of unexpected problems to solve very troublesom .

Yang Kuo said...

You don't overcome challenges by making them smaller but by making yourself bigger
