Anyway, I needed to put a long title because I've been neglecting this poor blog. Soy yeah, that's the update part.
The interview part I need your help on. I have to do a research project on Writing as a Career (Does anyone get the irony of an aspiring author dreading to to a written report on writing?) Anyway I need 5 sources, 2 must be from books, 2 can be from the internet, and the other one can be from books or an interview. I want to be a Freelance Writter. Basically they're what I am now just without getting paid or submitting stuff. They take part time jobs or work at a company where they write what the company tells them to write but they also write whatever they want on the side. So if anyone knows a Freelance Writter that would be so kind as to answer some interview qestions I'll think up and answer them on my blog it would be very much appreciated. Keep in mind some teachers (English, Creative Writting, ect.) might be Freelance Writters too! I plan to ask my teacher but I would like to have a back up plan.
Okay on to the next thing: My Birthday!I'm going to be turning 17 this coming Wednesday! It's not really all that big of a deal to me but in another way it is... Either way my party (Yes, I'm a nerd, doofus, dork, whatever you wish to call me) is going to be awesome 'cause It's going to be a fiesta! And my friends are coming over! I think even K is spending the night. Yup, okay, now that's another point, now onto my last one:
SPRING BREAK! I'm especially excited for my spring break even though it's in April. I'm going down to Arizona from the 16th to the 21st! I heard that my CDO friends have the 19th - 27th off, so we're a bit off schedule but I think we can make it work. Also if you are reading this blog right now and you'd like my number talk to Cheyenne! She has it and we've kept in touch. Of course you can get it if she gets over that nasty cold she has. (Fight the bacteria! Knock 'em out!)
Yup, that's it. Sorry if this post is lame but hey, it's my blog, I can make it as lame as I want it to be! (And of course when I try to make it cool that usually doesn't work because you kind of have to be cool to emit your coolness through a blog=) Yes, I am well aware I made fun of myself... and yes... I do it frequently... though not always on purpose.)
AuthorOfTomorrow216 or Pebbles or LittleFuzzBallOffFun!
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