Wednesday, August 25, 2010


So, not a whole lot has been going on other than it's halfway through the second week of school. I wonder If I left any important things out of last post... Well just to make sure let me go over the monumental stuff.
1. my math class was really hard to find... I sat in the wrong class for 1o minutes... Well part of that was because I'm blind.
2. My friend Jordan who moved away to Reno during Sophomore year just moved back and is here to stay! =)
3. I am horrible under peer pressure.... 1 example: a couple days ago Kate forgot her lunch so she begged Jordan to drive her to her house. Originally I didn't want to go, I thought they would be late. So they said 'oh come on! We're not going to be late!' <----- that's the pressure part...
then I said 'fine'
SO we got into the car... AFTER we walked four blocks (Jordan didn't know that he could park in the student parking lot for 5$ for the whole year.) Then Kate and Jordan were horrible at communicating so we went in two huge circles then had to go back to school because we were'nt going to make it.
So basically that's it. Yup my first week and a half as being a Junior.
OH!!! And we're going to do the Junior Lipsync!!!! We're going to do it to the song 1985 by Bowling For Soup. And the coolest part is, is that my aunt is a makeup artist so we're going to look awesome!
Oh! And I'm going to be dressed up as a guy and one of my guy friends is going to be the girl.(This is incredibly funny considering I'm very short and my guy friends are freakishly tall =) )

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Junior Year

Sorry I've been really busy with school starting and such. But on a brighter note I finally got my schedule! Here are my classes for Junior year. (I have to do this by days because it varies and is really confusing to me)

  1. Video Production 2
  2. U.S. History
  3. Aerobics/Body sculpt
  4. Earth and Space Science
  5. English 3
  6. Animal/Vet. Science
  7. Algebra 2

Yup those are my classes. And here is my weekly schedule. (Very confusing!)

Monday: Periods 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7

Tuesday: same as Monday

Wednesday: same as Tuesday

Thursday: 1, 2, 3, and 4

Friday: 5, 6, and 7

So on Mon. Tues. and Wed. I have 45 minute classes and get out at 2:50 (start at 8:10) Thursdays I have 90 minute classes, start the same and end the same. Now Friday deserves a whole new paragraph.

So on Friday, I have 90 minute classes as well. I start at 8:10 and end somewhere near 12:30. That's not bad. Except for the five minute passing periods. 5th period I have in the Main Building, which is one one side of the campus. 6th period I have in the Science Building which is one the other side of campus. Then I have 7th in the Math Building which is by the Main Building. I have to run if I'm going to make it to class on time. Plus my 6th is really hard to find. In the Science building it goes S16, S17, S 18, Then you turn to a different hall and you get S20 through like 24. You see they decided to stick S19 (my 6th period class) near S22.... Does that even make sense? NO!!!!

Okay, I'm done with that. Now onto the other dilema of Friday. Okay, the High School gets out an hour earlier all the other schools. So all the students that have to take a bus (ME!) have to wait an hour til the buses come and pick us up after they've gotten everyone else so their not off schedule. At least I'm luck that I have my iPod. Needless to say I'm going to come to despise Fridays with a passion.

I'm done ranting and such so Adios and send your 'hurry to your class angels' to me every Friday. Starting tomorrow would be nice.

Author Of Tomorrow

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Last Day Of Summer

Well, it's the last day of summer... Kind of bummed but then again I'm excited to start the school year. I'm going to make sure that I get a 4.0 G.P.A. this year because I really want to get into a good college.
Oh and yesterday the 16th of August was my Cousin Teryn's 18th birthday! Congrats! Tyrone! (inside joke that involved a stalker that moved to Pasadena)
Yup I just can't wait! Oh and I can finally see my schedule for Junior year this evening. Probably later this evening I'll either post my schedule in a new post or edit it into this post.
I'm just very excited.
I'm excited about the whole new year, upper classmen thing.
I'm excited about my new classes and my teachers.
I'm excited about the kids who'll be in my classes.
I'm very excited about my english class! Jessi and I have to have English together! We'll drive the teacher nuts!!!
Anyway that's it untill I get my schedule!
Author Of Tomorrow

Sunday, August 15, 2010

3 days

Well, three days left till school starts... very mixed feelings about this. I'm excited but also kind of nervous... I don't know why. I just am. Anyway Yesterday was a HUGE day. We went shopping in Reno at the mall. We got tons of new clothes. And everyone but me got new shoes. All the shoes I wanted were too big... Oh well my old ones still work I just need a new pair of shoelaces.
Oh and I'm really upset! My little brother got his schedule!! And not me! I really want to see what classes I have and whatnot. That's the most exciting part of school! (That is if you have cool classes.)
So that was yesterday. Today I sent three queries and am in the process of sending the fourth. I need to pick out a couple sample chapter and I'm having trouble deciding which ones. So I called my friends and turns out they don't answer or need to call me back. But right now I'm enjoying the break from writing stuff about my story and I. It's pretty tiring.
Anyway that's it so I'm going to go on Myspace and Facebook now 'cause I don't feel like reading stuff so this is what I shall do.
Author Of Tomorrow

Monday, August 9, 2010

Times up

Well the literary agency that I've been waiting on for six weeks didn't reply so that means they don't like it... oh well. So as the title of the post says, times up. I've got to find more agencies and agents.... ugh, I hate this part...
Well I have to wait actually I got a free trial of Microsoft Word 2010 so I'm copying O.W.E.N. by HAND!!! to it! Well acctually maybe not... yeah never mind there is no way I'm going to rewrite 140 or so pages of this book... sorry but that is NEVER going to happen. Maybe when I'm like old and decrepit and well have nothing to do... Like retirement age... Doubt that will happen but whatever.
Blog to ya later! I've got to find more agents!
School in exactly NINE days... mixed emotions about this date....

Friday, August 6, 2010


Sorry I haven't been blogging lately and as much as you want me to say that I couldn't blog because I was abducted by aliens, I'd be lying to you. The truth is i've just been really really lazy. don't blame me though. Blame this disease called being a teenager.
Anyway, There's really no update to talk about other than doom is approaching... meaning School.
Woo go Juniors! Class of 2012!
Haha, I just thought of this thing I read on facebook.
If the world ends in 2012 that means I spent all my life in school... great...
Well that's it for now