Thursday, March 4, 2010

What am I? Well a lot of things. I can't be just one... Can I?

Sorry for the uber long title. My counselor called me out of my health class today, she wanted to talk to me. Since the C.P.S. person came over I haven't been too keen on telling my counselor that I was stupid enough to actually believe lies that could destroy my family. But she isn't mad at me. Anyway we were talking about how I felt and of course I said that since I was grounded for speaking my feelings I haven't been interested in anything anymore and that I think I have 'depression'. She says that she thinks I do. (See! Now I can't be that crazy!) And she got me talking about suicide... A teen trend these days. I spilled. I told her that no I would never want to kill myself, but hurting myself is another story. I told her that I've cut myself twice, Once when I first got here, I told her how one of my friends was in a bad situation and that she showed my how and where to cut myself. (You know like with what tools and where people won't look) And I told her that I did it wrong and it really burned, not like it was supposed to. And I told her about when I cut myself a mont or so ago. I went to the bathroom and dug my nails into my skin, the cut didn't bleed like I wanted it too, it burned but that was good enough. And I told how I wanted to do it again today. Because I scratched Brett, I didn't want to hurt him I just wanted him to leave me alone. But my nails were stronger than I thought and I made him bleed, so then I needed to do something worse to myself because that was what I deserved for hurting someone who I loved so dearly.
Then we went on talking about my parents and what that made me. An orphan. I told her about a health assignment we had to do: There are 10 pple on a sinking boat, a life boat can only hold five people the other five will die, choose which five will live and die.
Anyway there was a family of three, a widow and her children. Someone wanted to save the children but leave the mom to die, I said that that would make them orphans, someone I know is an orphan that wouldn't be fair t0 the kids. (We have to use the term 'someone I know') Then she said, Yeah I guess you're right if they were orphans they would probably end up killing themselves doing something stupid.
I would've hit her right then and there but would that have made me a hypocrite? I don't want to kill myself but I have written suicide notes.
My counselor asked my why I cut and I say: There's no other way to get it out. I've written suicide notes to help me see what I have to live for, but I get yelled at, I get yelled at for beating on others too, the only way to help my feelings is to do something they don't know about.

When I said that I want help but no one is telling me how to get out, or telling me how to be mature. Technically I'm stuck inside a 14 year olds mind(when my mom died I was fourteen) My counselor agrees that no one is helping me. She said that I could use pills(anti-depressants)(she said this only after I brought them up) And that I would need more than that. But she's helping my step out of the cycle. I've been stcuk in it for almost two years and now I might finally be on the outside never to look in again. Isn't that a happy thought?
Well I'm done with my rant now so blog to you guys later.

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