Wednesday, June 3, 2009

poem for mom

Mom, I know you’re gone now
I know you’ve been gone for a while
Without you I don’t know how,
I can manage to smile

Mom, I miss you more than I can bear
The pain hurts everywhere I try to hide
I will always miss how you care
Mom, I hate how the doctor lied

If that doctor could have saved you,
Why did he act dumb?
Mom, Brett misses you too
Why did that doctor make us glum?

You were so young, mom
We were so scared
‘Cause of what happened, you’re gone mom
That doctor hadn’t cared

All I need to say mom
Is that we miss you
And we need you mom
Mom never forget we love you too

Dedicated to my mom, Lisa Marie Kelly
W love and miss you, Brett and Ty

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