hey guys guess who got a cold and the lucky winner is.... yup me woohoo i sure am a lucky one... we had a garage sale yesterday we made at least 200$ but guess who won the sun burnt
competition yup me again but if i do get a sunburn it takes like a few hours to go away then i am super brown!!!! so that so far is my weekend but my week was better. we did tumbling in p.e. and it was soooo fun but when we were doing this really hard pose where pretzel was lying down and she was holding my ankles and i was holding her knees and she THREW me!!!! i almost landed on my face on the wooden floor of the gymnasium luckily the mat was still there. but it was super fun plus for pretzel and me it was super easy since we are both super flexible and double jointed!!! so i started a petition to start a team and i have at least twenty to twenty five votes!!!! it will be really fun if we get a team!!! well that's just about it so bye pples.!!!
I am sorry that your sick and burnt by the sun (stupid uv rays) LOL but cool on the whole tumbleing team petition I bet that the team will be the best acrobats ever.
yup lol jess
good luck with the cold and your lucky about the sunburn thing i burn and then turn whiter.
lol thanks "fluffy" lol
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