Friday, April 30, 2010


Hey guys just want to say hi and also there is this blog I'm following and the guy who writews it is funny, I believe. Any way here is his blog:
So, here is my writing thingy mabob thing that I just made up:
Queries Sent: 4
Query Rejected: 2 =(
Query Accepted: 0
Well, that may not look good but Oh well
Today I wrote on my arm! I put BFMV and TDG(I meant to put a 3 but I didn't at first so I put a 3 connecting to the bottom of the T) and 5FDP! I was going to put AD2R but my friend wouldn't hand over the Sharpie so I'm one band short.
For the people who have no idea what I abbreviated:
BFMV: Bullet For My Valentine
TDG: Three Days Grace
5FDP: Five Finger Death Punch
AD2R: A Day To Remember
Well that's all!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Books, Books and more Books

Truth be told I'm still a little undder the weather but whatever. I'm better than I have been, I still have my lungs where they're supposed to be rather than in my throat from my vicious coughing. Anyway... guess what!
I've started to send queries to agents! I tried to send one to one company but I wasn't eighteen so they wouldn't let me. Another one denied me from my synopsis and all, they said that it wasn't what they were looking for. (Personally I think because I said that I was sixteen they just denied me from that.) Anyway I searched a whole lot yesterday and found 19 agents that would be interested in the genre of my book. Turns out only six of them are the real thing. The others were scams and self publishing companies. Self-Publishing companies will publish your book for weather your any good or not but no one will read it. It won't be published my anyone that has a real company therefore Self-Publishing= Not Good For Me.
So today my agenda is send queries to the six agents I liked and see what goes from there. I would have sent a couple yester but I was far too lazy and I watched 'The Lovely Bones' and it made me cry, my aunt wanted me to watch it for me to see how easily someone could get kidnapped and killed but it hit me on a much more emotional tone. Anyway my brother was laughing at it and I fired out at him. He should know better than everyone else what Death is and he laughed at it. It made me angry that he showed such disrespect. My aunt caught me lashing out at him and sent me to bed, but she understood and it was all good.
Anyway back to the agenda part. I'm thinking of sending a couple of the queries today. Well not thinking about sending them, I'm thinking about doing them. I'm just gald it won't cost me anything everyone is doing e-mail queries this day and age which is good for me 'cause I'm a sixteen year old with a zero point zero salary. I just hope they won't be too harsh if they tell me that they don't like it. I understand that I'm going to get a few 'no's before I ever get a 'yes' but I get impatient and tend to give up but I'm hoping that my friends and family won't let me. I think that getting a 'no' make me more determined to keep sending it to people so I can later rub it in said companies' faces. That would make me smile. =)
Anyway that's all I plan to do today, not much but oh well.

Friday, April 16, 2010


hey guys sorry I haven't been real dedicated lately the truth is that I've been sick and missed three days of school so yeah, well that's really all that's been going on so, yeah. Well I'm going to get some rest I'm coughing my very lungs up as I type so hi and well, bye!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The End Of Spring Break...

Aw, it's the end of Spring Break, that sucks but the good thing is that I've done everything I wanted to: Sleep!
And I've also done some unexpected things as well:
I tried to do my make up to look all scene like and it actually turned out pretty well
And! I finished my book, O.W.E.N. like I finally got around to completely editing it so that it's virtually flawless. Well I hope so, I want to have some of my friends read it then we'll see but I hope that it's ready, I spent a good majority of today and yesterday fixing it up.
Any way that has been my break not very exciting but oh well, I spent it how I wanted to so that's all that mattered.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


I thought of this poem last night:

I hate when they fight
Especially at night
When we're supposed to be in our bed
Supposed to have happy dreams in our head
When they start to curse
I know things will get worse
But when will they cease
And bring the peace
So when we start a new day
We will forget what they say