Sunday, November 22, 2009

Almost Complete Completion!

I just have to say this: My novel is done!! All thirty chapters!! I just have to edit it so all my changes make sense! but other than that it's done! mwhahaa and we (my budds) have figured things out

kate: artist
jessi: film director in training
me: author

i know we're putting our hopes up high because my book may not get published but if it does we figured what we're going to do

kate will draw the cover, jessi will film the movie, and I will write the scripts and the sequel! which I already have a name for


ohhh mysterious! i know lol well that;s been it besides a huge sleep over that took place last night we stayed up till four and frankly im too tired to write about it so you will have to wait another time goodnight!

Monday, November 16, 2009

dry ice

have you ever wondered what happens when you put three insane teenagers in a room with boiling water and dry ice? well wonder no more!!!! Kate, Jessi and I played with dry ice during lunch and we got the biggest exposion on tape... well phone memory but i emailed it to myself adn hopefully you guys wil be able to see it! we scream... loud.... so beware...

lol i was the idiot who decided to shake the bottle and it exploded on my arm! it was awewsome!

yes this is what teenaged authors of tomorrow do in their free time....

Sunday, November 15, 2009


hey guys! As of now I'm working on my novel : O.W.E.N. I'm on the 28th chapter and I was writing something then I just realized that this would be a really good summary, well not a summary but something that would captivate readers! here it is!

' "We know Owen is an asshole but what the hell is O.W.E.N." Only after I had said that I realized that the Boss had abbreviated his name. Abbreviations can't be good at all.'

O.W.E.N. -28th chapter!

-author of the future!
tell me what you think!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


well i just basically wanted to say 'sup' and yea... cause im bored and i dont really feel like typing a whole lot so im going to go on myspace and chat also going to get some songs on limewire (shh!!) dont tell itunes i cheated on them! you see it was a very difficult relationship.. 99 cents for a song!!! ridiculous for a music addict like me so yea.. and whatever the tabloids say is NOT true I broke up with itunes! not the other way around... yups so thats it almost done with my story i say by tuesday i should be done then give me two or so days to edit hen give itr to teracheers and my budds then off to the publishers it goes!!! i cant believe i got this far!! this will be my first completed story! okay now im done! bye

-author of yesterdays tommorow! that means i'm an author of today but im really not so i lied to myself to make me feel better!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Holy crudnickles... hola

wow I haven't blogged in a long time... I've been busy with my story... I'm now on the 27th chapter!!! A lot has been up since last blogging seesion... yes I know im weird like that.. our group has dwindled from seven to four (on our good days) we're trying to recruit new kids but unfortunetly we don't get there in time or their seniors.... so if you plan to moving to a small town join the 'weird kids who sit by the green house wen it isnt below 40 degrees outside club'
Yesterday was pretty awesome! Jessi borrowed a video cam. from rutledge 'the vid. production teach.' and we acted out funny quotes like:

Scared worse than severus snape faced with shampoo

I just got out of the hospital... I got in a speed reading accident... I hit a bookmark...

and many more!!!

yups it was fun Griff was even laughing he only laughs when there's chocolate milk or he gets a crazy idea that will end us up in jail... not that we actually agree with him anyway...
umm wed. we had off!!! and for some crazy reason i was the only teenager on earth who woke up before 6:30!!! well yeah that's it... my lil bro talked about a migic show some junior in our school was doing to raise money for breast cancer. I wanted to go to the one at the high school for two reasons

  1. I wanted to see what he was doing cause one of my characters is going to be a magician in training
  2. If I could have done something like that to raise money for my mom to get a liver transplant I would have and maybe things would have been different...

anyway from what he told me this kid is pretty talented... it would be cool to do that.. lol the only talent I have is writting and I might not even be that good!! I think i need a new hobby! and it won't be singing... for some odd reason I wanted to stand on my porch and sings my lungs out to the world... the songs were, riot, the good life, and someone who cares... I bleeped out somethings for my own concience..

the funny thing is that AFTER I had gone inside I found out some lady was outside too. then she went inside... so singing is not an option especially when my bro's tel me to shut up or they'll punch me... I have bruises!!!! basically that's been it for me.... yups... my commenters haven't commented in a while so i've been on myspace... yes I have finally got one... jeez people we have a cellular device that is called a telephone that you can talk through and I can hear. the conversation shoud however not go like this:

"Hey wats up!"

"Not much u?"

"Meet me online so we can myspace eacthother I have something to tell u!?" click

"Um hello?! hello? If you wanted to tell me something I was on the phone! hello!? Don't give me the 'the cia is listening' crap again! hello!?... myspace addict.... idiot" click

This is how it should go:

"Hey what's up?"

"Nothing much you?"

"I have something to tell you!"


"Boogly woogly cracker doodle munch face!?"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me!" click

"Um bye... see you tomorrow..."

yes my friends will actually call me and say that so in retrospect that is a normal conversation... I'm gonna do more cause im bored... oh this is a prank call we made to wall-mart!

"Hello Wallmart how may I help you?"

"Yes can you forward me to the bakery department?"

"Sure hold on."

"Hello bakery department."

"Yes, do you know where the muffin man is?"

"Um sorry no I don't"

"We know you have him!!!"

"Do you have a picture of the muffin man?"

"Um sorry I do not have a picture of the muffin man." then the bell rang and we had to hang up but it was great.. here are more ideas.

call a random number and sob,

"Hello suicide hotline! I;m going to jump off a bridge and end my life!!!" if they hang up call them back and say "bast88d!" then hang up. If they don't hang up u do and call back and say the same thing

speak another language or gibberish

say your from the fbi, federal brush investigator and are here to smell their teeth..

say your from the cia, certified insane assylum and speak gibberish... (im making these up as I go!)

call a random number if the don't pick up leave a really long and annoying message

if they do pick up however pretend youre somethey should know and give them your worts enimies number to call you back on!

you can do this with messages too! well im done for the day and I'll check later to see if I have any comments

-writter girl thats extremely bored and despite what she wrote is going to chat with friends on myspace!!